Monday, December 5, 2016


Recently former Congressman Aaron Schock has been charged with a 24 count grand jury indictment which included theft of government funds and fraud.  Schock appeared to be a substantial contributor to Kyle Moore.  Note:   the "18th District Republican Central Committee" was one of Aaron Schocks slush funds that is involved in these indictments.

18th District republican Central Committee
Po Box 10362
Peoria, IL 61612 $1,000.00
3/1/2013 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Kyle A Moore

18th District republican Central Committee
Po Box 10362
Peoria, IL 61612 $5,000.00
3/11/2013 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Kyle A Moore

18th District republican Central Committee
Po Box 10362
Peoria, IL 61612 $1,000.00
9/9/2014 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Kyle A Moore

Schock For Congress
Po Box 10555
Peoria, IL 61612 $5,000.00
9/28/2012 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Kyle A Moore

Moore received $12,000 from Schocks sources.  All of It DIRTY MONEY!


Saturday, November 19, 2016


Mayor Kyle Moore announced he was running for reelection yesterday at the Elks Club.  Thursday a City of Quincy Street sweeper conveniently showed up to clean the streets around the club.

Has your street been cleaned lately?

   Why are our taxpayers dollars being used in preparation for his campaign event???

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Campaign Logic????

In the recent election for Adams County Sheriff, former Quincy Mayor and self proclaimed local campaign guru, David Nuessen distributed the following campaign ad.

The Facts:
Brian Vonderhaar received a $10,000 contribution from Health Care Council of Illinois Political Action Committee.

The Accusation:
Nuessen claims that since Vonderhaar received a contribution from Health Care Council of Illinois  he was to become a puppet of Mike Madigan.  Nuessens reasoning was that the same PAC also gave a contribution to Mike Madigan so this somehow tied Vonderhaar to Madigan.  Nuessen also claimed that the money in this PAC came from Chicago.

The Ommisions:
David Nuessen failed to inform people that LOCAL State Senator Jil Tracy also received $5000 from this PAC in an uncontested Senate Race.   Nuessen also failed to inform people that this same PAC contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to former Republican House Minority leader Tom Cross.   He failed to inform people that this PAC is funded statewide and not just from the Chicago area.

The Flawed Logic:
If Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Madigan
and Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Vonderhaar
Then Vanderhaar is a puppet of Madigan.

If Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Madigan
and Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Jil Tracy
Then Tracy must also be a puppet of Madigan.

Hypothetical Example of Nuessens Flawed Logic:

Hypothetically David Nuessen decides to run for mayor again.

Don't be like David! 

Disclaimer:  all pictures are public domain of public figures.   All examples are hypothetical and should not be construed as an actual representation or imply any characterization of the public figures.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


     Recently there has been a lot of talk about campaign finance in the Adams County Sheriffs race.  The reason campaign finance comes into play during an election is the fear of influence these people, organizations, or companies may have over an elected official.   We must always ask ourselves a few questions in regards to this matter.   What does this entity want?  Why is this entity contributing?  There are good people, organizations, or companies that contribute to candidate for the right reasons and then there are the ones that expect something in return.

     Lets break down a couple of the contributions in this sheriffs race.   First off Sheriff VanderHaar recieved a $10,000 donation from Health Care Council of Illinois.   This is an organization that represents nursing homes across our state and within our community.  What could nursing homes in our area want from the Sheriffs Department?   On a day to day basis there is not much a nursing home could want from the Sheriffs department besides protection of its clients.  In our eyes this pretty much falls under the definition of what the Adams County Sheriffs Department is supposed to do.  Our elderly citizens whom can not protect themselves from bad elements deserve the protection of local law enforcement.  Sounds like this organization appreciates the service they have been receiving under Sheriff VanderHaars leadership.  What else could it be?

     Now lets look at the big money contributions Mr. McCoy received.  Mr. McCoy has received $13,394 from Sisbro Incorperated.  Sisbro is a local trucking firm for those of you not aware of what they do.  What could a trucking firm in our area want from the Sheriffs Department?  On a day to day basis this firms sends trucks out on our roads which are patrolled by the Sheriffs department for our citizens protection.

     Some corporations do good things and contribute to charities etc.  The bottom line though is they are owned by stockholders.  Stockholders care about one thing. PROFIT.  This leads us to ask why this corporations stockholder(s) is so concerned with Mr. McCoy becoming Sheriff? Its about their Profit/Loss margin.   What do they have to gain?  Regulating that their trucks are fit for the road can cost a trucking firm thousands of dollars in repair bills.  A few extra pounds overweight on a truck can net the corporation thousands of dollars over a years time.  Anytime an offense is caught by local law enforcement it in turn means higher insurance premiums for the trucking firm.  There are literals hundreds of ways in which our local Sheriffs department affects a trucking firm.

     Large political contributions are always considered a bad thing by average people on average incomes.  Campaigns cost large sums of money for radio and TV ads so we are forced to assess why these contributions are made, and what those giving them have at stake.  If their intention is good or bad.  On this race it comes down to one thing.

Are we more concerned with Sheriffs VanderHaar receiving money for protection of our elderly citizens?

 Or Mr. McCoy receiving money from a Corporation interested in bettering its profitability?

The answer is quite simple folks!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday morning. Thanks for reading and enjoy this fun little youtube video to start your morning with a smile!

Friday, November 4, 2016


This is not an original piece of ours.  We are posting it because it follows up on Mr. McCoys credibility as we discussed in our last article.  Its worth a look.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

McCoy Triple Dipping?

     Adams county has an interesting race for Sheriff between two contrasting personalities.   It was actually quite refreshing to hear both candidates pledge to run clean campaigns and we had previously decided not to interject our opinion..

     Up until a week ago both candidates had kept that pledge.  That is when former mayor David Nuessen reared his ugly head and started to turn the McCoy campaign dirty as he has done in every election he has participated in for years.  Mr. Nuessen's, Cifaldi style personal attack, show no facts that substantiate his false claim. Furthermore our research has come to the conclusion that Mr. Nuessen's allegation is a blatant lie.  

     What brought us to writing this article is the fact that Mr. McCoy, having full knowledge of Mr. Nuessen's false accusatios, has allowed it to continue which brings his own credibilty into question.  McCoy has also allowed 19 time felony indicted former Sheriff Robert Nall, whom McCoy served as Chief Deputy under, to continue these dirty tactics.  As of late, McCoy has posted Nuessen's false allegation on his own Facebook page.  This false claim is a blatant attempt to hide from the one IMPORTANT issue of this campaign, the one Sheriff Vonderhaar in keeping with his clean campaign pledge has failed to mention.

      McCoy is receiving a pension from the Adams County Sheriffs Department.

   McCoy is receiving Social Security from the US Government.

   Are we the TAXPAYERS of Adams County willing to give Mr. McCoy a third government income?

Do we really want the Adams County Sheriffs department to go back to the CORRUPTION of these days?


Thursday, September 1, 2016


It appears the Moore Administration has learned nothing from the recent drinking water fiasco.

This a picture of the water supply to Garden Court and the Quincy Country Club for the last 2 1/2 months.  Its become very apparent that Mayor Moore does not care about the City of Quincy's infrastructure or our citizens health and safety.  Or maybe he is hoping it will distill in the lines!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Yet another poor decision made by the Moore Administration.  The taxpayers of our fine city pay for a professional weather service to advise the Moore Administration.   Apparently they are not using the service us taxpayers are paying for.  Moore wasted money!   Moore poor management!

Since he can't blame Jon Vrandenburg today, who will Mayor Moore make the scapegoat for his own ineptitude this time?

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Anyone else see the poor decision being made by the Moore Administration here?   Leadership and management ,or the lack there of, start at the top.

Monday, August 8, 2016


For years Quincy has worked hard at making itself a transportation hub to the surrounding area.  Many of our business and civic leader have dedicated large amounts of time to furthering our communities access to transportation.  (One even has a section of our local interstate named after him)  We are fortunate to have all major forms of transportation (water ,air, rail, highway) in and out of our area.   All this access to transportation enhances our citizens way of life be it for leisure or business convenience.

.  Quincy is fortunate to have Baldwin Field.   Cape Air at $49 a flight is a steal and should be used as much as possible by our residents and business people.  A visit to Baldwin Field this morning makes us question why anyone would want to travel in and out of this facility.  The pictures below were taken directly outside the baggage claim doors as you exit the airport.

Is this how the Moore Administration maintains our city owned facilities?    We really appreciate how Mayor Moore greets our returning citizens and business travelers!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


     Do you know who your county board member is?   Do you know where your county board member resides or how to contact them?  Is your County board member living within the district they are representing?

     Geographical residency requirements of elected officials is set up for several reasons.  One reason is protect voters from fraudulent candidacies.  They are also intended to ensure that candidates are familiar with the local political climate and can identify important constituent concerns.  At the County Board level this is simply breaks down to the candidates understanding their neighbors issues and concerns.  The concept of domicile is frequently used to assess whether a candidate satisfies the residency requirement.  Domicile is generally defined as the combination of maintaining a residence and the intent to remain in the location.  Simply put: the candidate actual resides within the district they represent and not set up a fictitious residence while living in another.

     Why have we decided to address this issue?  Over the last few months it has come to our attention that two of our local County Board members Mr. Sam Franklyn (R1) and Mr. Dave Bellis (R3) are actually residing outside the districts they represent.  An interesting note is that Mr. Randall Reis (formerly D2) has resigned due to change in his residence during this same time period.   Why have Mr. Franklyn and Mr. Bellis not resigned as well?  Why have they stayed in political office knowing that they are violating the residency requirements?

     In speaking with several local political operatives within our community it has been brought to our attention that both County Board chairman Les Post and well as Republican County Chair Laura Kent Donahue are fully aware of these gentleman living outside the districts they represent.  Why have they not stepped in and intervened to protect your rights as citizens, taxpayers and voters of this county?

     Pure and simple it is for political gain.   They are trying to drag these resignations out past the August deadline so they can appoint someone of their choosing to these two seats.   In doing so they are denying the citizens of both district one and district three the right to choose who represents them.  Fear that you the voters will exercise your right to elect someone outside their sphere of influence is why they have carried out this charade for so long.  

     Shame on you Mr. Franklyn, Mr. Bellis, Mr. Post, and Ms. Donahue for denying the fine citizens of our county their right to elect their own representation as well as have their voices heard on how their county tax money is spent!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Recently there has been a noticeable lack of quality in the city of Quincy's drinking water.   The Moore administration as well as Alderwoman Heinecke have fabricated a couple reasons as to why this has occurred.

The Moore Adminstration states:

"The issue has to do with low flows in the river and dry conditions"

Alderwoman Terri Heinecke states:   "With the low levels of water, the algae in the water is pretty high so they are putting more chlorine than they normally do in the water to kill the algae. "

Apparently these rocket scientists failed to fact check their statements.   A simple scan of The Army Corpse of Engineers data and the USGS shows data quite the contrary on both flow rates and water level.  

Note the water level at Lock and Dam 21 has been high for at least the last two weeks.

Note that with the increased water levels there is a direct correlation to the water flow rates at Lock and Dam 21.

Note that the river stage in Quincy is still slightly above normal stage at the Quincy Riverfront.

Yesterday, the Quincy Herald Whig is quoted stating  "For the second time in three years, the taste of the city of Quincy's water has residents reaching for the bottled variety and businesses changing how they serve their customers."

Interestingly enough the Moore Administration has been at the helm during these same three years.

If they are going to lie about the details do you really believe them on the overall picture?

Thursday, June 2, 2016


The Moore Administrations idea of a SCORECARD (which he campaigned on) is a novel idea and the concept has some merit.   You look at what your currently accomplishing and try to improve upon those numbers.  You don't throw out old lists.   You don't eliminate projects from those lists once they have reached a certain hypothetical deadline to make your numbers look better.  You report on all areas, not just the ones you know you can improve on and use for future political gain or political ads.  
You MAINTAIN the same level of service that the public expects while trying to do so in a more efficient manner and focus on a few specific areas.  This isn't what is happening in our fair town as seen in our last article.

Normally we wouldn't make a big deal about orange barrels being placed somewhere around town as it means something is being fixed or about to be fixed.   Not in the case of these three!!  These three barrels have been sitting untouched for well over a year now.  They are an eye sore and obviously indicate a piece of our cities infrastructure that the Moore Administration has NEGLECTED!   Mayor Moore should get on the cities website, find HIS scorecard, and give himself an F!




Friday, May 27, 2016


     The Moore Administration has made two public statements though the local newspaper in regards to nuisance abatement and tall grass.   They are quoted in the Quincy Herald Whig articles on both September 18 2015 and again most recently on March 16th 2016 stating that they will send nuisance abatement notices to residents who's grass is taller than 10 inches.   They are also quoted as stating that a multitude of notices have been sent out both last year and this year to property owners.  These property owners are charged $60 an hour for city crews to clean up said yards.

While you are out enjoying this beautiful Memorial Day weekend please take a drive by the 22nd and Chestnut area and look at our CITIES reservoir.

How do you ask your citizens to maintain their own properties when the Moore administration is unable to maintain CITY PROPERTY???    How does the Moore Administration justify fining citizens for grass over 10 inches when it is unable to maintain its own property to under 30 inches???  
We are all for a beautiful city!!!   Being born and raised in this beautiful community (unlike our current mayor) we are greatly saddened by the filth and decay that has come upon this city as of the last couple years.  Quincy needs to get its pride back but that can't done by the Moore Administration saying one thing and not following it up with actions.  To stand behind a podium and state you want this city to be beautiful is one thing but REAL LEADERS lead by example not hollow words!!

Maybe Mayor Moore saddened by not winning the "Tree City USA" award in 2014 has decided to go after the "Garbage City USA" designation.  Sure appears that way.

Monday, March 14, 2016


Normally this site has a more raw and in your face style to it then what you are about to read.  We will on occasion vary from that style when we see a truly good person with what we feel is good intent towards our community and its citizens as a whole.  This is why we have as of late decided to write on this subject.

    Its our opinion that judges and the person holding the State Attorneys office need to have the ability to objectively look at a persons intent and actions.  Whether that person truly deserves to become a member of our penal system or if there is another route they can steer them into becoming a productive member of our society.  Not all people that commit crimes are hardened criminals.  Some are just everyday ordinary people that made a mistake or chose the wrong path for one reason or another.   Should they be penalized in some manner?   Yes, but giving people the maximum allowable penalty is not always the answer.  There are other routes and avenues available.

     What we respect about Mr. Farha is his ability to see people for what they really are and/or capable of becoming.  He has shown a tough but compassionate approach to the handling of drug cases in our community.  He has helped put the people that deserve to be behind bars there.   He has also helped many individuals who have made mistakes or chose the wrong path to turn their lives around with his approach.   Drugs are a scourge on our community.  They destroy people and families.   Isn't it nice to see people and families overcome this travesty because someone showed them some compassion and a willingness to steer them down the right path?

     The States Attorneys office shouldn't be about purely attempting to put up numbers as we have seen from Mr. Farha's opponent.   It shouldn't be about ego or improving ones resume by seeking the maximum allowable penalty.  It should be about our community, its members, and its betterment as a whole.

     Normally we would be the first to point out Mr. Farha's indiscretions, as his opponent has, but we would have done so in a much more TRUTHFUL manner.   In this case, we think we will show Mr. Farha the same compassion he has shown many of the people and families of our community.  Sometimes you have to see the big picture of someone and not dwell on a few mishaps.  Mr. Farha has done just this with his current position and we project he will do the same as Adams County States Attorney.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


A letter to the editor in this past week's Quincy Herald Whig was quite ironic considering we are in the Lenten season.

In all four gospel accounts, Pontius Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus, literally washing his hands of the matter

Early on in the Cifaldi campaign there was evidence leading one to believe current Adams County States Attorney Jon Barnard was supporting her election effort.    Barnard's wife and their mutual friends were all showing signs of supporting Cifaldi.   Since that early show of support the Cifaldi campaign has run a relentless negative campaign against Mr. Farha.   In the last debate Mrs. Cifaldi went as far as to make the claim that Jon Barnard approved her negative ads.  During this same time period interesting revelations have been brought to light of Cifaldi cutting deals for campaign contributors.

Barnard recently issued a letter that said he was not endorsing either candidate for State's Attorney.  He also makes it very clear in this letter that he did not approve the script of Mrs. Cifaldi's negative ads further bringing into question Mrs. Cifaldi's self proclaimed integrity.  For Barnard to distance himself after the implosion of  Cifaldi's negative campaign and distortions, he has in essence washed his own hands of her impending fate.

     Recently we have seen Mrs. Cifaldi's campaign taking on large amounts water.   So how do Jim Reis and Alex Drummond (Judge Drummonds son) the orchestrators of Mrs. Cifaldi's negative campaign, plan to right Mrs Cifladi's sinking ark?  They are attempting to take Mrs Cifaldi back to her prelenten / Mardi Gras momentum with a $6400 cajun injection of cash donated by a couple in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Expect a media blast of more negativity paid for by sources outside Adams County through Tuesdays primary from these one trick ponies! 

Their only problem is that Jon "Brutus" Barnard may have just delivered her to Calvary for the Ides of March.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Did the Moore Administration throw away the City of Quincy's formal hiring practice?

Saturday, February 27, 2016


     Recently we have sat back and watched Mrs Cifaldi attack Mr. Farha on multiple allegations of wrong doing on his part.  Honestly, we all have shit in our closets.  None of us are perfect even though we may strive to be,  This thought and our political cynicism led us to question Mrs. Cifaldi's motives,  Why is she so venomous and boisterous on this matter.   Usually when someone acts in this manner it is because they are trying to hide their own faults or shortcomings.   So we decided to do a little digging around and were actually quite shocked by what we found!

     When searching through Mrs. Cifaldi's campaign contributions one particuliarly stood out to us. It did so because they were not one of the normal Republican candidate contributors we were used to seeing.  Please note the date of this contribution was September 3rd, 2015 and the address.

Interestingly enough the same last name and address shows up on the Adams County Circuit Clerks website three times during the same time period.

2015TR4253  VEIHL, ASHLYN M                              2015TR4254  VEIHL, ASHLYN MLast 
Ticket Number: 224318 09/04/2015                 Ticket Number: 224317 09/04/2015
Class A Misdemeanor                                                Class P Other 

2015TR4255  VEIHL, ASHLYN M                             All three show this as address 
Ticket Number: 224316 09/04/2015                VEIHL, ASHLYN M                
DISREGARD STOP SIGN                                          4209 HAMPTON LN
Class P                                                                      QUINCY, IL 62305

     These tickets were the result of a two car accident that took place at 12th and Monroe.   The accident included the defendant and a Mr. Haxel.  Mr. Haxel was not ticketed according to our search.

The driving while revoked was dismissed by Mrs. Cifaldi on 10/15/2015.   The headset reciever charge was dismissed by Mrs. Cifaldi on 10/15/2015.   Ms Veihl was given supervision, a fine and a drivers education course to complete as a result of the disobeying a stop sign citation by Mrs. Cifaldi.  Here is the court order presented to the judge by Mrs. Cifaldi for his signature.

One thing really stands out to us on this whole order.   Who was the defense attorney?   OH WAIT!   There was NOT ONE!   Please notice the bottom of the order where the Defense Counsel copy is crossed off!  No where on the Adams County website does it list a defense attorney handling these tickets.

Mrs Cifaldi's campaign ads claim a 95% conviction rate.  So if she is such a great attorney and thinks she is the best choice for Adams County States attorney, then how does she back away from this case who's only defense was a 20 year old non-attorney?

And how was Mrs. Cifaldi rewarded for her stellar prosecuting of this case?

In Mrs Cifaldi's campaign ads she claims to be ethical.   What do you think?

Thursday, February 25, 2016


     Recently the City Council has taken up an ordinance to limit the time department heads could serve on interim status.   Why in the entire history of the City of Quincy government has this become an issue now???    Has the Moore Administration been using this method to circumvent the normal process of hiring department heads?  Didn't Moore campaign on more transparency?  Is the City Council questioning the competence of the Moore administrations hiring practices?

     The City Council has also put another ordinance on the table that they need to now be involved in the dismissal of a department heads in which they had to approve for hiring.   Again, Why?   Has Moore and a high ranking member of his administration been threatening department heads by reminding them that they are "at will employees" every time something goes wrong or they don't get their way?  Is the Moore administration hiding behind its department heads for its own failures?  Are the department heads tired of the Moore administrations tantrums and complaining to council members about their treatment?  Is Quincy's new patronage king, Alderman Sassen, (more on this later) quietly tired of the Moore administration disrupting his system?

     Finally, the City Council is seeking to hire its own attorney instead of taking the advice of the corporate council it approved a mere three years ago.   This opens a myriad of questions.   Does the council not respect the advice they are receiving from its head city attorney?  Do they feel that the city's chief corporate council is assisting the Moore administration by hiding things from them?  Are we really going to add another attorney to the cities payroll and at what cost to taxpayers?

The Republicans hold the mayors office and a 10 to 4 majority on the city council.   One would think that there would not be so much constant controversy taking place in our city government.  With all these current structural changes taking place within our city government,  one has to wonder if the Aldermen are giving Kyle Moore an "F" on their scorecard!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016


The City of Quincy had a water main break in the 6th and State area.  This is nothing new to our area this time of year.   It happens every year.  

What makes this particuliar water main break unique is the amount of WASTE that took place fixing it.

 The process started on Wednesday morning.  The Moore administration contacted JULIE to locate other utilities prior to noon on Wednesday.    This is where things became interesting and COSTLY to the taxpayers!!!

.  Instead of making the decision to IMMEDIATELY fix this break as had been done in the past, the Moore administration decided to let the water run until Thursday when an OUT OF TOWN contractor could be called in to fix it.

How many gallons of water ran down the sewer in this time period?   What was the cost to treat this water to drinking water level?  What was the cost to reprocess this water before it was returned to the Mississippi River?  The chemicals and the running of the pumps on both ends of this process cost us the taxpayers money.  Sure this stuff happens from time to time but this ran for well over 24 hours at a very high rate as viewed in the pictures above.

In the past, this type of event had been handled by a four person crew of city employees and was performed immediately by that crew.   The CITY HAS THE EQUIPMENT to perform a  "line stop"on this main.  So why was this running for over 24 hours without being handled?  What was the cost of an out of town contractor to handle this situation?  If we are contracting out this job, why are we sending our TAX MONEY out of town?   Quincy has a myraide of plumbing contractors.   Why the added cost of paying this out of town firm to travel here?  If this comapny was being paid to do the job, then why were city employees on site Thursday evening getting paid OVERTIME to assist this company?'

A four person job turns into what is viewed above.   Why?

How much extra did the decisions of the Moore administration cost YOU the taxpayer due to waste?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Simplest Things

Kyle Moores Administration releases then RECALLS over 300 employee W-2's.    Why????   At what cost to the taxpayers???   How many employee's have to pay to file an amended 2015 tax return and at what cost to them?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Quincy ALDERWOMAN / DAYCARE PROVIDER Terri Heinecke (R-7) votes against St. Dominic’s Safe Routes to School project. Heinecke was the lone dissenting vote!!! Talk about HIPOCRISY!!! Thank God the rest of the council had the sense to do the right thing for our children!!!

Monday, January 18, 2016


The Quincy Undergrounds Sabbatical is over.

     We feel the time has come that an opposing voice is once again heard!  For many years things in our community were running/flowing smoothly.   This era has unfortunately come to an end.  Our community has seemed to have lost its direction as of late.

     Crime has risen substantially.  Fire Stations have closed.  Taxes have risen while services have been cut.  The general mood of our community has reached a low point.

     For those of you who used to follow our publishings.....   WELCOME BACK!!!   For those of you here for the first time and are unfamiliar with us....    HOLD ON!!    Its going get a little rough and raw around here as we challenge issues as well as public officials in attempt to get our community going back in the RIGHT DIRECTION!