Thursday, February 25, 2016


     Recently the City Council has taken up an ordinance to limit the time department heads could serve on interim status.   Why in the entire history of the City of Quincy government has this become an issue now???    Has the Moore Administration been using this method to circumvent the normal process of hiring department heads?  Didn't Moore campaign on more transparency?  Is the City Council questioning the competence of the Moore administrations hiring practices?

     The City Council has also put another ordinance on the table that they need to now be involved in the dismissal of a department heads in which they had to approve for hiring.   Again, Why?   Has Moore and a high ranking member of his administration been threatening department heads by reminding them that they are "at will employees" every time something goes wrong or they don't get their way?  Is the Moore administration hiding behind its department heads for its own failures?  Are the department heads tired of the Moore administrations tantrums and complaining to council members about their treatment?  Is Quincy's new patronage king, Alderman Sassen, (more on this later) quietly tired of the Moore administration disrupting his system?

     Finally, the City Council is seeking to hire its own attorney instead of taking the advice of the corporate council it approved a mere three years ago.   This opens a myriad of questions.   Does the council not respect the advice they are receiving from its head city attorney?  Do they feel that the city's chief corporate council is assisting the Moore administration by hiding things from them?  Are we really going to add another attorney to the cities payroll and at what cost to taxpayers?

The Republicans hold the mayors office and a 10 to 4 majority on the city council.   One would think that there would not be so much constant controversy taking place in our city government.  With all these current structural changes taking place within our city government,  one has to wonder if the Aldermen are giving Kyle Moore an "F" on their scorecard!

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