Thursday, March 10, 2016


A letter to the editor in this past week's Quincy Herald Whig was quite ironic considering we are in the Lenten season.

In all four gospel accounts, Pontius Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus, literally washing his hands of the matter

Early on in the Cifaldi campaign there was evidence leading one to believe current Adams County States Attorney Jon Barnard was supporting her election effort.    Barnard's wife and their mutual friends were all showing signs of supporting Cifaldi.   Since that early show of support the Cifaldi campaign has run a relentless negative campaign against Mr. Farha.   In the last debate Mrs. Cifaldi went as far as to make the claim that Jon Barnard approved her negative ads.  During this same time period interesting revelations have been brought to light of Cifaldi cutting deals for campaign contributors.

Barnard recently issued a letter that said he was not endorsing either candidate for State's Attorney.  He also makes it very clear in this letter that he did not approve the script of Mrs. Cifaldi's negative ads further bringing into question Mrs. Cifaldi's self proclaimed integrity.  For Barnard to distance himself after the implosion of  Cifaldi's negative campaign and distortions, he has in essence washed his own hands of her impending fate.

     Recently we have seen Mrs. Cifaldi's campaign taking on large amounts water.   So how do Jim Reis and Alex Drummond (Judge Drummonds son) the orchestrators of Mrs. Cifaldi's negative campaign, plan to right Mrs Cifladi's sinking ark?  They are attempting to take Mrs Cifaldi back to her prelenten / Mardi Gras momentum with a $6400 cajun injection of cash donated by a couple in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Expect a media blast of more negativity paid for by sources outside Adams County through Tuesdays primary from these one trick ponies! 

Their only problem is that Jon "Brutus" Barnard may have just delivered her to Calvary for the Ides of March.


  1. Interesting take, even if you have trouble with the plural of "pony".

  2. well sounds like well get the good ole boy and Quincy elite's "yes" man for our lead law enforcement in the area, should be ok right, double down on ore of the same, experience matters, from the same machine that gave us our wonderful mayor

  3. Everyone keeps saying negative campaign well damnit if its not true do something about, aren't their liable laws. Pointing out facts do no to me appear negative. He is from the good ole boy network, and there are different standards for who you know.

  4. Unknown, Cifaldi campaigners Jim Reis and Drummond were working for "our wonderful mayor" on his camopaign. Just thought we would point out some information that you might not be aware of. And if you read our other posts you will understand our stance on him.

  5. Roberta, When a candidate does not establish credibilty and immediately start with negative attacks, they have no platform from which to do so. In otherwords.... When your first political move is to publish a professional political picture of yourself that gives you the appearance of a B**** and then your first political action is to act like one, the you shouldn't be surprised that people think of you as one. You can try to throw the gender card on this one but inturn we are just going to throw the bullshit card.


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