Monday, March 14, 2016


Normally this site has a more raw and in your face style to it then what you are about to read.  We will on occasion vary from that style when we see a truly good person with what we feel is good intent towards our community and its citizens as a whole.  This is why we have as of late decided to write on this subject.

    Its our opinion that judges and the person holding the State Attorneys office need to have the ability to objectively look at a persons intent and actions.  Whether that person truly deserves to become a member of our penal system or if there is another route they can steer them into becoming a productive member of our society.  Not all people that commit crimes are hardened criminals.  Some are just everyday ordinary people that made a mistake or chose the wrong path for one reason or another.   Should they be penalized in some manner?   Yes, but giving people the maximum allowable penalty is not always the answer.  There are other routes and avenues available.

     What we respect about Mr. Farha is his ability to see people for what they really are and/or capable of becoming.  He has shown a tough but compassionate approach to the handling of drug cases in our community.  He has helped put the people that deserve to be behind bars there.   He has also helped many individuals who have made mistakes or chose the wrong path to turn their lives around with his approach.   Drugs are a scourge on our community.  They destroy people and families.   Isn't it nice to see people and families overcome this travesty because someone showed them some compassion and a willingness to steer them down the right path?

     The States Attorneys office shouldn't be about purely attempting to put up numbers as we have seen from Mr. Farha's opponent.   It shouldn't be about ego or improving ones resume by seeking the maximum allowable penalty.  It should be about our community, its members, and its betterment as a whole.

     Normally we would be the first to point out Mr. Farha's indiscretions, as his opponent has, but we would have done so in a much more TRUTHFUL manner.   In this case, we think we will show Mr. Farha the same compassion he has shown many of the people and families of our community.  Sometimes you have to see the big picture of someone and not dwell on a few mishaps.  Mr. Farha has done just this with his current position and we project he will do the same as Adams County States Attorney.


  1. if by "indiscretions", you mean bankruptcy, i will agree. however, the preponderance of the rest of cifaldi's attack was intentionally misleading and a gross misrepresentation!

  2. Bankruptcy is not an indiscretion. It's a Federally Guaranteed right and no one should be disparaged for using it.

  3. Mr.Farha may have shown compassion for some of the family's and people of the community,but in his statement last week that's the murders in 2015 were all related to drugs how would he know this? My brother Patrick Forbes is one of the people who lost his life. By whom or why we do not know. There have been no arrest so to make such a blanket statement in my opinion is more than disrespectful to all the family members and friends. It my turn out that the statement is true we don't know as of yet but to say such is out of line. I'm sure the other families that lost a love one feel the same. There hasn't been no arrest or justice for them as well. For someone running for such a important office I would think he would have chosen his words a lot better.
    If elected as States Attorney I really hope he shows the person or persons that did this monster act to my brother no mercy of anykind.
    Believe me they showed my brother none.
    I just pray someone will come forward with information to put these monsters behind bars for the rest of the stinking life they my have, to reflect back on what they done to another person that would have never hurt anyone.
    Mr. Farha I really think you owe each family a apology for the crass statements you made with no facts behind them.


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