Tuesday, November 1, 2016

McCoy Triple Dipping?

     Adams county has an interesting race for Sheriff between two contrasting personalities.   It was actually quite refreshing to hear both candidates pledge to run clean campaigns and we had previously decided not to interject our opinion..

     Up until a week ago both candidates had kept that pledge.  That is when former mayor David Nuessen reared his ugly head and started to turn the McCoy campaign dirty as he has done in every election he has participated in for years.  Mr. Nuessen's, Cifaldi style personal attack, show no facts that substantiate his false claim. Furthermore our research has come to the conclusion that Mr. Nuessen's allegation is a blatant lie.  

     What brought us to writing this article is the fact that Mr. McCoy, having full knowledge of Mr. Nuessen's false accusatios, has allowed it to continue which brings his own credibilty into question.  McCoy has also allowed 19 time felony indicted former Sheriff Robert Nall, whom McCoy served as Chief Deputy under, to continue these dirty tactics.  As of late, McCoy has posted Nuessen's false allegation on his own Facebook page.  This false claim is a blatant attempt to hide from the one IMPORTANT issue of this campaign, the one Sheriff Vonderhaar in keeping with his clean campaign pledge has failed to mention.

      McCoy is receiving a pension from the Adams County Sheriffs Department.

   McCoy is receiving Social Security from the US Government.

   Are we the TAXPAYERS of Adams County willing to give Mr. McCoy a third government income?

Do we really want the Adams County Sheriffs department to go back to the CORRUPTION of these days?


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