Monday, January 18, 2016


The Quincy Undergrounds Sabbatical is over.

     We feel the time has come that an opposing voice is once again heard!  For many years things in our community were running/flowing smoothly.   This era has unfortunately come to an end.  Our community has seemed to have lost its direction as of late.

     Crime has risen substantially.  Fire Stations have closed.  Taxes have risen while services have been cut.  The general mood of our community has reached a low point.

     For those of you who used to follow our publishings.....   WELCOME BACK!!!   For those of you here for the first time and are unfamiliar with us....    HOLD ON!!    Its going get a little rough and raw around here as we challenge issues as well as public officials in attempt to get our community going back in the RIGHT DIRECTION!


  1. Does anyone really know the right direction anymore?

  2. Does anyone really know the right direction anymore?

  3. Gas prices are down though, that's all that matters, aint it? Jeez, trash stickers go up 25 dag gum cents, and you guys think it's the end of the world. And the streets will get fixed in 2031!! What do you want?

  4. Just sit back, chillin, drinking like you usually do, everything will be okay


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