In the recent election for Adams County Sheriff, former Quincy Mayor and self proclaimed local campaign guru, David Nuessen distributed the following campaign ad.
The Facts:
Brian Vonderhaar received a $10,000 contribution from Health Care Council of Illinois Political Action Committee.
The Accusation:
Nuessen claims that since Vonderhaar received a contribution from Health Care Council of Illinois he was to become a puppet of Mike Madigan. Nuessens reasoning was that the same PAC also gave a contribution to Mike Madigan so this somehow tied Vonderhaar to Madigan. Nuessen also claimed that the money in this PAC came from Chicago.
The Ommisions:
David Nuessen failed to inform people that LOCAL State Senator Jil Tracy also received $5000 from this PAC in an uncontested Senate Race. Nuessen also failed to inform people that this same PAC contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to former Republican House Minority leader Tom Cross. He failed to inform people that this PAC is funded statewide and not just from the Chicago area.
The Flawed Logic:
If Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Madigan
and Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Vonderhaar
Then Vanderhaar is a puppet of Madigan.
If Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Madigan
and Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Jil Tracy
Then Tracy must also be a puppet of Madigan.
Hypothetical Example of Nuessens Flawed Logic:
Hypothetically David Nuessen decides to run for mayor again.
Don't be like David!
Disclaimer: all pictures are public domain of public figures. All examples are hypothetical and should not be construed as an actual representation or imply any characterization of the public figures.