Saturday, November 19, 2016


Mayor Kyle Moore announced he was running for reelection yesterday at the Elks Club.  Thursday a City of Quincy Street sweeper conveniently showed up to clean the streets around the club.

Has your street been cleaned lately?

   Why are our taxpayers dollars being used in preparation for his campaign event???

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Campaign Logic????

In the recent election for Adams County Sheriff, former Quincy Mayor and self proclaimed local campaign guru, David Nuessen distributed the following campaign ad.

The Facts:
Brian Vonderhaar received a $10,000 contribution from Health Care Council of Illinois Political Action Committee.

The Accusation:
Nuessen claims that since Vonderhaar received a contribution from Health Care Council of Illinois  he was to become a puppet of Mike Madigan.  Nuessens reasoning was that the same PAC also gave a contribution to Mike Madigan so this somehow tied Vonderhaar to Madigan.  Nuessen also claimed that the money in this PAC came from Chicago.

The Ommisions:
David Nuessen failed to inform people that LOCAL State Senator Jil Tracy also received $5000 from this PAC in an uncontested Senate Race.   Nuessen also failed to inform people that this same PAC contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to former Republican House Minority leader Tom Cross.   He failed to inform people that this PAC is funded statewide and not just from the Chicago area.

The Flawed Logic:
If Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Madigan
and Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Vonderhaar
Then Vanderhaar is a puppet of Madigan.

If Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Madigan
and Health Care Council of Illinois donated to Jil Tracy
Then Tracy must also be a puppet of Madigan.

Hypothetical Example of Nuessens Flawed Logic:

Hypothetically David Nuessen decides to run for mayor again.

Don't be like David! 

Disclaimer:  all pictures are public domain of public figures.   All examples are hypothetical and should not be construed as an actual representation or imply any characterization of the public figures.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


     Recently there has been a lot of talk about campaign finance in the Adams County Sheriffs race.  The reason campaign finance comes into play during an election is the fear of influence these people, organizations, or companies may have over an elected official.   We must always ask ourselves a few questions in regards to this matter.   What does this entity want?  Why is this entity contributing?  There are good people, organizations, or companies that contribute to candidate for the right reasons and then there are the ones that expect something in return.

     Lets break down a couple of the contributions in this sheriffs race.   First off Sheriff VanderHaar recieved a $10,000 donation from Health Care Council of Illinois.   This is an organization that represents nursing homes across our state and within our community.  What could nursing homes in our area want from the Sheriffs Department?   On a day to day basis there is not much a nursing home could want from the Sheriffs department besides protection of its clients.  In our eyes this pretty much falls under the definition of what the Adams County Sheriffs Department is supposed to do.  Our elderly citizens whom can not protect themselves from bad elements deserve the protection of local law enforcement.  Sounds like this organization appreciates the service they have been receiving under Sheriff VanderHaars leadership.  What else could it be?

     Now lets look at the big money contributions Mr. McCoy received.  Mr. McCoy has received $13,394 from Sisbro Incorperated.  Sisbro is a local trucking firm for those of you not aware of what they do.  What could a trucking firm in our area want from the Sheriffs Department?  On a day to day basis this firms sends trucks out on our roads which are patrolled by the Sheriffs department for our citizens protection.

     Some corporations do good things and contribute to charities etc.  The bottom line though is they are owned by stockholders.  Stockholders care about one thing. PROFIT.  This leads us to ask why this corporations stockholder(s) is so concerned with Mr. McCoy becoming Sheriff? Its about their Profit/Loss margin.   What do they have to gain?  Regulating that their trucks are fit for the road can cost a trucking firm thousands of dollars in repair bills.  A few extra pounds overweight on a truck can net the corporation thousands of dollars over a years time.  Anytime an offense is caught by local law enforcement it in turn means higher insurance premiums for the trucking firm.  There are literals hundreds of ways in which our local Sheriffs department affects a trucking firm.

     Large political contributions are always considered a bad thing by average people on average incomes.  Campaigns cost large sums of money for radio and TV ads so we are forced to assess why these contributions are made, and what those giving them have at stake.  If their intention is good or bad.  On this race it comes down to one thing.

Are we more concerned with Sheriffs VanderHaar receiving money for protection of our elderly citizens?

 Or Mr. McCoy receiving money from a Corporation interested in bettering its profitability?

The answer is quite simple folks!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday morning. Thanks for reading and enjoy this fun little youtube video to start your morning with a smile!

Friday, November 4, 2016


This is not an original piece of ours.  We are posting it because it follows up on Mr. McCoys credibility as we discussed in our last article.  Its worth a look.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

McCoy Triple Dipping?

     Adams county has an interesting race for Sheriff between two contrasting personalities.   It was actually quite refreshing to hear both candidates pledge to run clean campaigns and we had previously decided not to interject our opinion..

     Up until a week ago both candidates had kept that pledge.  That is when former mayor David Nuessen reared his ugly head and started to turn the McCoy campaign dirty as he has done in every election he has participated in for years.  Mr. Nuessen's, Cifaldi style personal attack, show no facts that substantiate his false claim. Furthermore our research has come to the conclusion that Mr. Nuessen's allegation is a blatant lie.  

     What brought us to writing this article is the fact that Mr. McCoy, having full knowledge of Mr. Nuessen's false accusatios, has allowed it to continue which brings his own credibilty into question.  McCoy has also allowed 19 time felony indicted former Sheriff Robert Nall, whom McCoy served as Chief Deputy under, to continue these dirty tactics.  As of late, McCoy has posted Nuessen's false allegation on his own Facebook page.  This false claim is a blatant attempt to hide from the one IMPORTANT issue of this campaign, the one Sheriff Vonderhaar in keeping with his clean campaign pledge has failed to mention.

      McCoy is receiving a pension from the Adams County Sheriffs Department.

   McCoy is receiving Social Security from the US Government.

   Are we the TAXPAYERS of Adams County willing to give Mr. McCoy a third government income?

Do we really want the Adams County Sheriffs department to go back to the CORRUPTION of these days?