Friday, January 29, 2016


The City of Quincy had a water main break in the 6th and State area.  This is nothing new to our area this time of year.   It happens every year.  

What makes this particuliar water main break unique is the amount of WASTE that took place fixing it.

 The process started on Wednesday morning.  The Moore administration contacted JULIE to locate other utilities prior to noon on Wednesday.    This is where things became interesting and COSTLY to the taxpayers!!!

.  Instead of making the decision to IMMEDIATELY fix this break as had been done in the past, the Moore administration decided to let the water run until Thursday when an OUT OF TOWN contractor could be called in to fix it.

How many gallons of water ran down the sewer in this time period?   What was the cost to treat this water to drinking water level?  What was the cost to reprocess this water before it was returned to the Mississippi River?  The chemicals and the running of the pumps on both ends of this process cost us the taxpayers money.  Sure this stuff happens from time to time but this ran for well over 24 hours at a very high rate as viewed in the pictures above.

In the past, this type of event had been handled by a four person crew of city employees and was performed immediately by that crew.   The CITY HAS THE EQUIPMENT to perform a  "line stop"on this main.  So why was this running for over 24 hours without being handled?  What was the cost of an out of town contractor to handle this situation?  If we are contracting out this job, why are we sending our TAX MONEY out of town?   Quincy has a myraide of plumbing contractors.   Why the added cost of paying this out of town firm to travel here?  If this comapny was being paid to do the job, then why were city employees on site Thursday evening getting paid OVERTIME to assist this company?'

A four person job turns into what is viewed above.   Why?

How much extra did the decisions of the Moore administration cost YOU the taxpayer due to waste?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Simplest Things

Kyle Moores Administration releases then RECALLS over 300 employee W-2's.    Why????   At what cost to the taxpayers???   How many employee's have to pay to file an amended 2015 tax return and at what cost to them?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Quincy ALDERWOMAN / DAYCARE PROVIDER Terri Heinecke (R-7) votes against St. Dominic’s Safe Routes to School project. Heinecke was the lone dissenting vote!!! Talk about HIPOCRISY!!! Thank God the rest of the council had the sense to do the right thing for our children!!!

Monday, January 18, 2016


The Quincy Undergrounds Sabbatical is over.

     We feel the time has come that an opposing voice is once again heard!  For many years things in our community were running/flowing smoothly.   This era has unfortunately come to an end.  Our community has seemed to have lost its direction as of late.

     Crime has risen substantially.  Fire Stations have closed.  Taxes have risen while services have been cut.  The general mood of our community has reached a low point.

     For those of you who used to follow our publishings.....   WELCOME BACK!!!   For those of you here for the first time and are unfamiliar with us....    HOLD ON!!    Its going get a little rough and raw around here as we challenge issues as well as public officials in attempt to get our community going back in the RIGHT DIRECTION!