While you are out enjoying this beautiful Memorial Day weekend please take a drive by the 22nd and Chestnut area and look at our CITIES reservoir.
How do you ask your citizens to maintain their own properties when the Moore administration is unable to maintain CITY PROPERTY??? How does the Moore Administration justify fining citizens for grass over 10 inches when it is unable to maintain its own property to under 30 inches???
We are all for a beautiful city!!! Being born and raised in this beautiful community (unlike our current mayor) we are greatly saddened by the filth and decay that has come upon this city as of the last couple years. Quincy needs to get its pride back but that can't done by the Moore Administration saying one thing and not following it up with actions. To stand behind a podium and state you want this city to be beautiful is one thing but REAL LEADERS lead by example not hollow words!!
Maybe Mayor Moore saddened by not winning the "Tree City USA" award in 2014 has decided to go after the "Garbage City USA" designation. Sure appears that way.